Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Ides Of March by Alex Horton

The article "The Ides of March" by Alex Horton is about soldiers’ lost of the brotherhood in combat. The author talked about his memories and how he lost his friend Chevy who was killed during the battle by explosion.  His sadness over the loss of him is deep and unforgettable. His brothers and he will keep this sad feeling in their heart forever. Going to war, protecting and serving the country is one of the honorable things to do, but it brings in people's life so much sadness, besides proud and happiness. This article reminds me that one of my classmates changed so much after he went to war and I felt sorry for him so see him trying so hard to fit back in a normal life, and visibly it wasn’t easy for him. I really liked the Chevy’s squad leader’s memory words and it left me in tears :(

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